My Garden Tour and Garden Ideas
Welcome to my garden tour! We’ve been blessed with such an early spring this year, I am enjoying the full blossoms!We’ve had an early spring so It’s an entire month ahead which seems crazy but beautiful! I’ll show you the pretty parts today; potato and carrot beds aren’t so exciting. 🙂
Our yard has been a work in progress for the last 12 or so years. I’ll have to show you some before and afters some time. This is my view from my kitchen window above the sink, it was one of the first areas I worked on since I spend so much time there!
I was lucky enough to catch the Wisteria before they faded.
This is the view from the other side of the deck. My pineapple mint takes over, but I love it’s wildness. I just pull it every year if it gets too aggressive.
We just put this Eastern Redbud in our shady area. I can’t wait to see the pink flowers next spring. We are very lucky that Hostas grow so well here. I use them for filler everywhere.
My Clematis gets better every year too.
It loves the side of our shed. I have about 3 different varieties, so when one isn’t blooming, another one is.
I caught this guy looking at me while I was snapping pictures.
We’ve made a bit of a garden path behind our deck. It’s a nice shady place to sit. My Lavender grows there too and smells heavenly when I water it.
This is the brick path made from all from bricks on our property. There were a bazillion of them!
Thank you for visiting! I hope you enjoyed the tour!

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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com
Your gardens are beautiful ! Love the clematis !
gorgeous garden! so inspiring! ours is new to us this year as we moved last fall, but i am loving it!
gorgeous garden! so inspiring! ours is new to us this year as we moved last fall, but i am loving it!
gorgeous garden! so inspiring! ours is new to us this year as we moved last fall, but i am loving it!
gorgeous garden! so inspiring! ours is new to us this year as we moved last fall, but i am loving it!
gorgeous garden! so inspiring! ours is new to us this year as we moved last fall, but i am loving it!
gorgeous garden! so inspiring! ours is new to us this year as we moved last fall, but i am loving it!
gorgeous garden! so inspiring! ours is new to us this year as we moved last fall, but i am loving it!
gorgeous garden! so inspiring! ours is new to us this year as we moved last fall, but i am loving it!
Your garden pics look like they should be in a magazine Jen!
Hi Jen,
Your garden is looking beautiful! Thank you for hosting this fun garden party!
Such a beautiful garden and so inspiring!
Your garden looks so lovely and lush. Mine is currently overgrown with weeds and needing some TLC. I spent last week focusing on the front porch and screen porch out back so I don’t have lovely plants to share this time out …
Jennifer, you have a pretty garden. I’ve not had success growing clematis. Yours is beautiful! Thanks for hosting the garden party. I’ll be visiting lush gardens all weekend! LOL
Hi Jennifer, your garden is beautiful! Wisteria is one of my favorites. We have alomost lived in our home three years. I can’t believe how lush the gardens are becoing. I have not planted a Wisteria yet, but will someday for sure. I have Clematis and love them also. Our gardens are earlier this year also. Yours looks so cozy and inviting. Love all the hostas and brick path. Thanks for hosting. Happy Gardening!
Jennifer, Your garden is so pretty with the brick pathway and little tables and chairs. Gosh, your pineapple mint is looking great. I just planted some in a pot last week…love it. I’ll probably have to move it into the garden in a few weeks. I’m popping over from Alison’s and I’m your newest follower. Thanks for hosting.
Hi Jennifer!
Your garden is beautiful and I enjoyed your lovely post. Thank you for hosting The garden party.
oh wow, so much inspiration for beautiful gardens here….I think I’ll go outside and work on my yard!
Thanks for hosting such a wonderful party!! I can’t wait to go look around!! 🙂 xo Holly
Hi Jenn!
Your garden is so sweet!
I am loving that little table and chair
set. I love those tucked into garden
corners. So picture perfect!
I wish I had brick garden paths.Your
hubbie did a beautiful job!
Thanks so much for linky up with me and
addidng the mention. I did the same for you
but have not been able to link up all morning.
What am I doing wrong? I did add your link to the bottom
of my post but for some reason, your linking software
must not be recognizing it?
Any suggestions?
Garden Tours are my FAVORITE recreation this time of year! I sure enjoyed touring YOURS! I ♥ the view out your kitchen window. I think it’s calling my name!
Thanks Jenn!
It worked. I went back and linked your blog with the current post attached and that did it.
Whew! I am so bad at this stuff!
Hope to see you at Randolph Street Market soon!?
I love your setting and how your designed it. It reminds me of something from Country Living!
Your Clematis looks amazing! It must love it’s location!
Thanks for hosting this linky party!
Your gardens are Beautiful! I love all your flowers, and the brick walk. Thanks for hosting a great party, I’m now a follower!
wow! how beautiful!!
My Clematis are getting better every year as well. I just love them, thanks for hosting. I do love a good garden party!
Hey Jennifer- as crazy as this sounds, pulling weeds in the garden ( alone) is so relaxing to me. Shhhh… don’t tell anyone, kinda sounds pathetic. Happy weekend! Laura
Lovely garden areas and lovely photos. I really like the one with the bird watching you as you took the picture. Too cute. I just linked up to your great party. Thanks so much for hosting.
Your gardens are lovely, I love the wisteria. I just added my gardens to your party. Have a wonderful weekend.
Oh Jen its so pretty…I wish I had more of a knack..I just don;t love it and I think you need to in order to make it look as good as yours!! Want to do ours?????? x0x0
Your garden is so lovely….I really like the cute little patio with the cafe table and chair!
Linking from The Polo House,
Ricki Jill
Too many beautiful gardens here! And yours is so so nice! I love the fact that it is all walled! We live in our restored home it’s 3 years and I can perfectly understand what work in progress means…I think we will be in the work inprogress stage for the next 30 years or so!! ah ah!!!
How Breathtakingly beautiful your garden is and the photos are lovely! Im following you and really love your blog please stop over and follow your new friend:)) Deidre~
What a wonderful garden! So pretty and kind of old-fashioned. Love it. I wish I could grow wisteria, but it gets too cold here I believe. Thank you for sharing your garden.
What a beautiful garden you have. You must get plenty of rain to be able to maintain so much greenery. Love it.
I have a shady corner almost exactly like yours, with Hosta in the fore, Ostrich Ferns behind them and in the middle of it all rather than an Eastern Redbud I have a Rose of Sharon tree.
Congrats on the good taste 😉