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Two make-overs for the price of one

In preparation for a move  to a “big girl bed”, we had to move the room around so both beds would fit. They used to be on opposite ends of the room, but in such a cozy room, they seemed to fit best next to each other. Where two night stands worked before now it looked like, well, you know… (Do you like how I took a picture of the room at it’s messiest so the change is really dramatic? My favorite thing is that this is the damage little girls can do in a short period of time.) 

I found this night stand for $35 and snatched it up. Do you know how hard it is to find a really nice 3 drawer nightstand? I jumped on it when I saw it! 
 But of course it wasn’t  fancy enough.
 So I added some appliques and painted it the pinkest of pink. Little gold accents and this is what I ended up with.

Of course I did the top too, but more on that later. With such a special piece of furniture, I couldn’t just put any old knobs on it.
I  found the knobs for the top drawer at this fabulous  dreamy boutique in St. Charles. I also I love to read her blog and she has a great little on-line shop where she also sells the knobs. I went to her anniversary party and I was an hour early (how rude!). Did you know she graciously opened the doors for me any way?! How wonderful is that? Even though she was so busy and hectic  she was still really gracious. She also gave me some  lavender sachets which have become one of my favorite things in the whole world (More about those another post though 😉 ).
Aren’t these knobs amazing? They are glass flowers.I am still looking for handles, hence the old yucky ones still on the bottom drawers, but you know how sometimes you just feel particular about something? I know I will find the perfect handles! And I will not settle for less ;)! I might even go for another visit at Lola B’s  more  knobs and just drill new holes.

 Well,it ended up being such a great little piece I couldn’t put that old, gross lamp back on there, so I found this cute little guy for $6! But I didn’t think he was very fitting.

 I kind of wanted  a lamp with a wider base, but I loved that he was a rabbit.
 So he got a coat of cream paint and I glued two of those pre-cut round wood pieces that you find at Michael’s or Hobby Lobby with Gorilla glue. I painted them as well after drying and it was ready to go. You could do this for almost any lamp as long as the wood is wide enough to not make the lamp wobbly and the cord is free and clear.
I added a bit of a bow tie,

And  a new shade and we were ready to go! 

Except, which side of the duvet should I use?

 He happily gets to sit on top of his new home, 

that is probably going to stay covered for a little bit. 🙂

Total tally?
night stand $35
lamp $6
wood rounds $6
Shade $11
2 Knobs @$8
Total :$64
But the best part is is I put the night stands in my booth for $40 a piece. So I actually made money on the make over.
And we can finally have some room for that big girl bed!

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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com