Creative Women in Business Dawn from the Feathered Nest
Welcome Dawn Edmonson of the Feathered Nest. One of the sweetest people I have met in blogland, Dawn is a very talented mixed media artist specializing in assemblage and collage. She has been published in almost a dozen magazines including Artful Blogging and Somerset Life, writes her own blog featuring her artwork, and sells her projects as well as tutorials.
Dawn, you create some amazing things, Where you always so artistic?
For as long as I can remember. Even as a child I took great pride in making things, jewelry, potholders, even coloring in a coloring book ~ I loved it all. I do think that you’re born with your creative spirit.
How did you find your creative style and art?

I’ve always loved assemblage art and when I discovered blogs, I found that artists shared their work online with each other. I was truly inspired by so many of these artists. Soon I began creating my own assemblages using things that I love in nature, birds, nests, eggs and also all things old and forgotten.
You’ve been published in almost a dozen magazines, how did that come about?
Through my blog! I began creating and posting photos of things that I’d made on my blog. Jenny Doh from Stampington contacted me to send in some of my artwork for the magazines.
What is your favorite medium to work in?
Mixed media assemblage art. I love gathering old things or items from nature, beautiful antique papers and arranging them inside of an drawer, old cigar box or jar in a pleasing way and I also love adding a message to the piece as well.
How did you find your way to assemblage? I noticed you use to do a lot of painting…
I LOVE trying new things!! I can’t help myself! I taught myself how to sew and made a man’s dress shirt in the first few weeks….it wasn’t perfect but I loved the challenge ~ I used to bake and decorate cakes, wedding cakes and such ~ I’ve worked in a drapery workroom, etc. Having the antique store and antique spaces, transforming furniture was something that was a necessity. That’s the type of painting that I did. I loved turning an ugly duckling into a swan! As I discovered blogs and the beautiful artwork everyone was creating, I wanted to create my own version of these small vignettes.
What do you find is different about creating now and when you children were small?
Of course, time. I have much more time to devote to making things I love. But I have to say that even when the boys were small I always tried to carve out a little time to make something. It truly is a form of therapy! When you’re creative, you can’t help yourself 🙂
What time of day do you work better in?
Definitely the evening and late into the night. I can’t help it, I’m a true night owl! Sometimes this doesn’t work well with my family’s schedule but it’s just so quiet and peaceful at night.
Is there anything you find distracts you from your art and how do you get refocused?
Everyday life can be distracting, cooking, cleaning, laundry and these things are necessary but I always try to carve out time for my artwork. When I do finally get the time, just being in my studio, going through my supplies and even making something as small as a tag, can jump start my creativity. The key is to make SOMETHING because once you do, you’ll end up wanting to make something else.
What do you find is the best part of being able to create?
Sharing it with others. To see someone else enjoy and appreciate something you’ve made, is what makes it so worthwhile to me. Also, to see something that’s been in your mind as an idea, sitting in front of you completed, gives an artist such a sense of accomplishment!
Thank you so much Dawn!
You can visit Dawn’s creations at her shoppe the Feathered Nest or even see her tutorials at Lessons from the Nest.
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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com