The Plants and Pots The Plant Adult Plant Coloring Book!!!
Do you love adult coloring books and coloring pages? I do! There is something so calming about sitting down after a hard day and coloring. It is just such a wonderful activity and is so relaxing. I really wanted a plant coloring book that wasn’t just a throw away item or felt like it was for kids. I also wanted each page to be something that could be framed once I was done with it. I couldn’t find anything like that, so I spent the summer creating the Plants and Pots Adult Plant coloring book. I am so excited to share it with you!

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I’m so excited to share this with you! If you’re local, join us for the book launch party (link will open in FB)!
My favorite part about the Plants and Pots adult coloring book is that all of the lines are in grayscale instead of a bold black line. That way when you color, your coloring and beautiful artwork shows, not the lines…It’s easy to go over them with colored pencil, or crayon.

And each image is sized so that it’s frame-able when you are finished with each page. Or, you can cut them out and use them as a part of other mixed media artworks. I drew each plant so that they are also heavily detailed for lots of hours of coloring and depth. I know plant lovers are going to love this coloring book as much as I do! I tried to include a variety of botany with unique illustrations from succulents like the Jade Plant to Pothos and Sanseveria.

I also wanted the person coloring to be able to know a little bit about each plant, so there are a few pages on the plant description and basic care of each plant with intricate relaxing pages, and beautiful designs.

And my favorite part is that the back page shows partially colored in images as a coloring guide, so if you want some direction on colors to use, they are right there on the back of the book. I tried to include colors that each plant naturally had. The pots are the really fun part, because you can use any color you want! But it’s only a guide (it also make it easier or beginners), so you can also color what you want and use fun colors too in this adult coloring book!

I know winter is when I like to hunker down and work on smaller more creative projects. I love how this botanical coloring book is a great gift idea for the plant lady in your life, or for someone who loves botany, or coloring or both! This would also pair well with a floral coloring book and some colored pencils as a gift idea!
I would love for you to share your finished creations and at the end of this paperback version you can find my IG page.
You can grab the coloring book here, along with colored pencils for a fun, some creativity, and a relaxing afternoon!