Visit Jennifer Rizzo Home + Studio in Lisle IL

Jennifer Rizzo Design Company Home +Studio is a lifestyle store that features new, handmade, vintage,art and locally made goods. We have our retail area and also our art studio where we host art and hands on classes.

Register for in person workshops and art classes :

Our workshops and art classes are posted as events on our Facebook Page and you can register here in out Online Store under workshops.

Jennifer Rizzo Design Company Retail store header


1101 Maple Avenue, Suite A, Lisle, IL 60532

Call: 331-291-5059

We are located in a red brick building on the corner of Maple Ave. and Lenox Avenue.

There is a parking lot behind the store or street-side parking is also allowed.

We hope you stop by for a visit!

Retail Store Hours:

Thursday 10 am- 6 pm

Friday 10 am – 5pm

Saturday 10 am- 3 pm