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Wood-Look Rustic Santa Thrift Store Makeover
A thrift store Santa gets a brand new look with a little bit of paint magic into a wood-look rustic Santa. Many times it’s easy to pass these by because the they are a little a little ugly or dated looking. Did you know you can paint right over glazed ceramics? This Santa I found…

Make Easy Splattered Painted Christmas Tree Canvases
Mini-canvases are not only fun to paint, but add a little pop of decor where ever you need it. While you can create this in any size you like, these 6 x 6 canvases are a perfect fit with the tree stencils and are ready to make over and over again. This is a really…

Cute Vintage Ornament-Inspired Embroidery Hoop Felt Wall Decor
If you love Shiny Brite and antique tree decor, you are going to find this project as charming as I do! This easy felt wall decor uses embroidery hoops and felt to create a fun and colorful grouping. They are easy to craft and while we added some sewing components to ours, you can completely…

Vintage Victorian-Inspired Christmas Decor
Welcome to the first stop on the 2024 Holiday Housewalk! I decided to take my inspiration for Vintage Victorian-Inspired Christmas Decor from turn of the century meets 1940’s Christmas decor. I don’t have an exact name for it, though my daughter did ask me if I was trying the “tacky Christmas tree” trend this year,…

The 2024 Holiday Housewalk
Welcome to The 2024 Holiday Housewalk! This year are doing it a little differently. We have a slightly more cozy tour this year and all of the homes are featured just today. I know in the past we’ve done a full week. I was torn between continuing the tour or wrapping it up after almost…