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Holiday house walk 2015 day 4!!

The week so far has been amazing, but there is even more holiday goodness!!! Welcome to The Holiday House walk 2015 Day 4!

oliday house walk 2015 Day 4 RD

You can catch up here with Day 1 , Day 2, or Day 3.

And don’t forget we have a Pandora station just for  some musical holiday cheer!

Just click on the buttons to go to the homes.

Today we are starting our day off with:

holiday housewalk Jenna Burger design 19 2015.jpg

Jenna Berger holiday house walk 2015 traditonal styling

Jenna berger design 2015 traditional Christmas tree

holiday housewalk At the picket fence 20 2015.jpg

Front door basket with greenery and ice skates atthepicketfence.com so cute!

sled with vintage books and little tree from atthepicketfence.com

holiday housewalk Yellow cape Cod 21 2015.jpg

Sarah at the yellow cape cod House tour

A yellow cape cod holiday fun chandelier shades

holiday housewalk East Coast cretive 22 2015.jpg

East Coast Creative rustic holiday lodge

East Coast Creative holiday lodge

holiday housewalk The Golden Sycamore 23 2015.jpg

The-Golden-Sycamore-fresh-cut-Christmas-trees-sign so cute! The-Golden-Sycamore-vintage-rustic-cozy-Christmas-decor love teh emboidered pine forest!

holiday housewalk Jennifer Wagner 2015.jpg

Jen Wagner simple modern Christmas .

Jen Wagner bright and modern holiday front door love the clean holiday look

And our surprise Instagram house!

holiday housewalk nesting with grace 2015.jpg

christmas tour nesting with grace bright kitchen.

chrisrtmas tour nesting with grace sweet girls room!

We still have one more day and beautiful homes to come tomorrow! I hope you are really enjoying the tours so far.

Jen signature

For more holiday  goodness, you can check out Good Housekeeping’s holiday awesomeness  here,

or my holiday decorating book!