Holiday gifts for creative people
I believe everyone has an inner artist just waiting to be nurtured. While doing some on-line shopping, I found some fun holiday gifts for creative people, or even yourself. I also wanted to share some of my favorite crafting/making supplies, in case your in the mood for some holiday hands-on!
First I loved this coloring books kit for adults! It has everything you need with out having to wander through the store to find it!
I love something easy like that!
and I have been obsessed lately with sealing wax kits. You know the kind they used way back when, that looked all important and stuff, before you licked envelopes?
There is something so romantic about it. The best part is I also found sealing wax that can go in a hot glue gun which is pretty awesome! No having to light candles to melt the wax.
And at the Michaels Makers Summit this last year, I was re-introduced to weaving and just fell in love with it! It’s so relaxing and I have always loved working with yarn. It’s such a great in front of the TV project!
And even though my home is currently covered in glitter, you can never have enough. I have this Martha Stewart glitter pack and love it. The colors are amazing.
I received this book a few years ago and I love it! It’s one of the few books I refer to over and over again for inspiration.
This is another fun book that has resources for hand-lettering , which is a fun thing to learn whether you think you are creative or not!
And I just love how this book is written and it’s fun to read. It would be a great Christmas gift to give or get.
And of course, you need to top off all of these really creative gifts by putting them all in a perfect tote bag.
with the perfect mug of course!
I hope you enjoy these gifts for creative people suggestions (even if it’s for yourself! 😉 ) . Happy shopping!
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Hi Jen, I’m in awe of people who have a creative streak and can create things that make people go ‘wow’.
These are great gifting ideas for this time of year, and I just need to ensure I give the right gift to right person.
Take care and have a great Christmas
Brilliant post! I can think of a few people who would love these (myself included!!)
Thanks for sharing them 🙂