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Being Brave with Our Creativity

With the launch of the e-course this week, it made me think about things I never thought I could do.  Then I looked at other things that kept popping up like when I talked about our personal journey at home or how other people take risks later in life.Brave comes in all shapes and sizes,and sometimes it’s just about going along on the journey and staying on the path. I realized how far I have traveled since the first time I wrote a real first article in our local newspaper  to now having a book out in October! Sometimes I think we have to look back along the journey to look forward. We only see where we haven’t  yet gotten too, not where we’ve been.I wanted to share some quotes from my first ever look book. It wasn’t a huge book compared to what is out now, or as glossy as a lot of e-mags have turned into,but I had done it all myself and it was a first step. I had wanted ti to be all about inspiration and the journey so I thought it was the perfect time to share it with it’s inspired quotes and about how we need to work on Being Brave with Our Creativity.

The Urban Journey Look book

Creating this collection, putting it together and then actually seeing it take shape. I was so intimidated to do so much work. It was work enough to just make the collection, let alone do the rest of it. I had never done it before. Once it was photographed, then it needed to figure out how to lay it out and then upload everything. I didn’t think I was being brave at the time because I was so inspired and motivated. Now Iook back and wonder how I had the guts. I have to say having a gorgeous and experienced model helped. She was amazing.


A woman walking holding a vintage suitcase A woman lounging against brick An inspired quote a woman walking with a suitcase and a quote aorund her A woman sitting wearing. a hat with a suitcase next to her a woman standing on a chair next to a building with an American flag A woman sitting looking down wearing a hat A woman standing at the train looking back A woman walking and smiling with a chair behind her A woman sitting in a chair next to a suitcase

A long tunnel with a quote over it

Thank you for taking this look back with me. Being Brave with Our Creativity takes courage and sometimes you don’t see it until you are looking back.

Jen sig


  1. I think it’s a wonderful, inspiring look book. Very magical photos – love your poem in the last image.
    I will look forward to your book in October.
    Bravo! Brave Jen!!!

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