Quick and easy mini flower bouquet idea
I wanted to share an idea with you for to make a mini flower bouquet a really quick and easy one! I use this idea all of the time to send flowers for my kids teachers, or even as hostess gifts. It’s a great way to keep flowers fresh without water in a vase if you are worried about spilling. Though this is always a great idea if you don’t have a vase and want to send a floral hostess gift.
I purchased some $3.00 flowers from the local grocery store and broke them up into sets of 3 blooms each. After separating them,I wrapped them first in a very damp (but not dripping wet) paper towel, and then plastic wrap to keep the moisture in. This will help to keep your flowers from wilting quickly.
After, I made sure the stems and paper towel were tightly wrapped, I then wrapped everything in a ribbon. I used a burlap ribbon, but feel free to use something to match your table setting!
I then slid a pretty,vintage silver napkin ring over the top. I love using these mini flower bouquets as a place setting or just a little table accent at a party. There is always something about fresh flowers that makes everything a little more special. And I always love getting fresh flowers… (hint, hint, Hubby if you are reading this…).
And this tea cup vase, which I love because it looks really cute and only costs about $2.00 to make! It was a very cute party, I’ll have to dig out the photos and share them with you in the near future!
Loving the little bouquet idea! What a great idea for a take with gift for guests.