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Our Tadpole Habitat and Garden

Love,love, love seeing how my yard has changed as the season has gone on. Every year we create a small tadpole habitat. I’ll be sad whe n the kids are too big to do it anymore. We place it in a shady spot under some trees in the yard.
Tadpole habitat with rocks
We put in our yearly tadpole habitat this ear and added a couple of Koi to eat the mosquitoes. I just add some fresh water every few days and they do fine. This year we have Ted, Bob, and Cannoli. We’ve also added some duck weed so they have something to eat.
Small koi in a tadpole habitat pond
The others are yet to be named, but the kids love going out there and watching the little guys swim around and to look and see if anyone has legs yet.
Small tadpole in hands
The kids love to and feed the koi cheerios.
Small tadpole habitat
 They are pretty cute. We also threw a couple of bigger bullfrog tadpoles in there that are 5 times the size. It’s gonna get  a bit crowded this year.
tadpoles on a rock
 I’ll be curious to see how many frogs stick around for next year. Once in a while I’ll see one in the grass.
metal arbor in yard
 I love this part if my yard in almost full bloom. The Monarda really bring in bright color.
Arbor with hanging plant
Between the Monarda, Day Lilies and Lavender, the bees are buzzing doing their busy thing.
Orange coneflower
 I had put this orange double ruffle cone flower in last year, and he came back. I was so happy.
green tomatoes on a vine
 I have some tomatoes waiting to ripen, or maybe for some fried green tomatoes.
Fence section in side of yard with green small plants and grass
 And I had to show you this little section next to my neighbors fence where it’s perfect to grow some tall flowers.
Sunflower seedlingsI edged it with Mammoth Sunflowers. Hopefully next time I show you a picture, I’ll have some huge sunflowers towering in the sky.
Wisteria growinf
 The Wisteria has been sprouting like crazy and reminds me of snakes.  It has a cool creepy thing going on.
red and green  Amaranth growing
 And this year I tried growing Amaranth. Even though I hate the dry weather we’ve been having, it has been flourishing, I can’t wait to see what it looks like when it hits it’s full 4 feet.I also wanted to share these two paintings I did recently, I took them over to Affordable Antiques for my mini-space.
Still life rose flower painting
 I’ll have some prints of these in my shop soon.
Bird cage painting on acrylic
They were fun to do. I don’t sit down enough with my acrylic paints and just paint away.
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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com


  1. Jen,

    It’s nice to see all your unique plantings in your garden – I don’t have any of them you mentioned but coneflower and mine is purple and isn’t doing well at all – last year it didn’t even bloom!

    As for your paintings- they’re AWESOME! I think together they are a perfect complement to one another and someone will be lucky indeed to own them!

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Jen, your gardens look beautiful!! I love seeing those little tadpoles. I reminds me of when my girls were little and they always had a tadpole collection in our garden pond! Thanks for bringing back such nice memories!

  3. Oh Jen, your yard and flowers are so beautiful. I know the sunflowers will be so pretty along the fence and watching them grow is half of the fun isn’t it?
    Your artwork is always beautiful. I love these latest pieces.

  4. Hey Chickadee!!
    Your tadpoles remind me of when me and my best friend would go down to the creek and get jars full of them and poke holes in the top. lol they didnt make it much longer and then we would be sad but yet we kept doing it. haha guess our moms didnt have the heart to tell us that we were killing them since we took them out of the environment they needed to be in to grow.
    I just love your paintings! did you stamp the background for that frame looking one with the birdcage!? I love to paint also and you inspired me!
    I am keeping you in my thoughts and prays and keep your head up. I love what you said here “the hardest times have the biggest purpose”. So true… keep shining and ride over those bumps!
    big hugs

    come visit me sometime http://gypsymermaidlife.blogspot.com

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