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Creative plant and flower container ideas

My gardening fingers are itching! I was going through old garden photos, and realized I had taken quite a few over time of pretty ways to display.  Many of then are creative plant and flower container ideas, just little things here and there that have caught my eye that I filed away for later.

Creative plant and flower ideas

I took all of the pictures, but some were taken at various shows and such so I can’t take credit for all of the ideas. I can only take credit on some of them for thinking what someone did was cute enough to take a picture of it. 🙂

Boxwood in urn, base covered in moss

I thought it was so pretty how this boxwood was placed in an urn and then the base was covered with moss. What a great way to cover up the dirt.

Tulips in a metal container

I love the way these tulips look in a metal crate. I would love to just fill the entire thing with spring flowers.

Metal milk carrier with herbs

Anything metal looks better with green in it. This vintage milk bottle carrier looks lush with herbs inside.

Pansies planted in a drawer

If you have an old, broken dresser, the drawers are still perfectly good for planting in!

CUte metal containers for plants

I love these containers for dried arrangements, but they would also be really cute with blooming, spring,branches.

Metal pails with lavender

I also love the look of plants in vintage metal pails, like this lavender.

Marigolds in a vintage metal pail

And marigolds look pretty in this rustic zinc container.

I have to admit, I have a thing for mossMoss in birdbathIt’s green and low maintenance,

Moss covered fountain

and adds almost a pretty patina to everything it touches.

Vintage ceramic urn for flowers

Vintage ceramic,ironstone, and porcelain containers look pretty with blooms.Vintage ceramic pitcher with blooms

 And I love these yellow rain boots from a Nada Farm sale in 2010. I think there is something unexpected about the ferns in the rain boots that make it so pretty and springy.

There were some really cute ideas in 2011 too.Ferns in rainboots

And an old work bench provides plenty of opportunity for plant display ideas!!

Repurposed work bench for potting bench

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