Home » women who create » Creative Women in Business Welcome Penny of Lavender Hill Studio

Creative Women in Business Welcome Penny of Lavender Hill Studio

Be inspired today by Penny of Lavender Hill Studio! Penny is a multi-talented, very busy mosaic tile artist and blogger who not only has been published in many popular magazines, but runs her own on-line store, caters to custom orders, and write two blogs; Lavender Hill Studio featuring her custom mosaic work, and The Comforts of Home which showcases her new home renovations and decorating projects.

Thank you for joining us Penny! How long have you been a mosaic artist for? How did you get started?

I have been a mosaic artist for about 12 years now. I saw a beautiful piece of mosaic furniture and a mosaic birdhouse and fell in love with the idea of using vintage china to create art. So I started collecting vintage china and tried it. The first few pieces were pretty bad! I bought some mosaics books and studied other mosaic artists and eventually my pieces started turning out the way I wanted them.
Had you tried other creative outlets before your mosaic work?

I have painted with water color, did some silk screening and a little pottery work. I would like to take some oil painting classes. Landscapes interest me.
You’ve been published many times for your outstanding talent and fabulous projects, how were you able to get published?

By basically being a pest -lol. I spend some time each month marketing my business and that includes sending letters and photos of my pieces to editors of magazines.
How do you find your inspiration for your pieces?

Each piece kind of speaks to me. And sometimes I see a vintage plate with a wonderful pattern and the colors inspire me.
What do you do when you get artist’s block?

Walk away from my current piece. I will take a walk in nature, or read some decorating magazines.
What made you decide to open an on-line shop to showcase your items?

( Created by Catherine Holman from Penny’s e-book)


I like the flexibility of an online shop vs a brick and mortar shop. I can work the hours I want. My shop is open 24 hours a day and I don’t have to pay rent or employees.
What is your favorite thing to work on?

I love working on tables. Especially drop leaf ones. Another favorite is creating my mosaic teapot lamps.
What advice would you have for someone who wants to get started in mosaic work?

Jump right in! Pick up a good mosaic book at the book store or library. They can get you started. I also have an EBOOK I sell on my website on How To Mosaic.
What do you think is the best thing about having a creative outlet like you do and being able to do something you really love?

When I get up every morning I am excited to go to “work”. I spent 25 years in the marketing and advertising business and don’t remember ever being exciting about my job.
Creating my pieces is really not work. It’s play. And it is fun being able to play everyday.
Thank you so Much Penny! You can see more of Penny’s creations at her blog Lavender Hill Studio or even shop for mosaic pieces, pillows and other treasures at her on-line store of the same name.

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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com