How to Paint a Pumpkin Stem
Welcome! This is part 3 of how to paint a rustic pumpkin canvas with a palette knife. This video below shows you how to paint a pumpkin stem with a palette knife. You can find the original post linked below that also has the supply list and the video tutorial.
How to Tutorial: How to Paint a Rustic Pumpkin
When Painting your pumpkin stem, here are a few tips:
Use the palette knife to wiggle raw umber paint into a stem-like shape at the base of where the stem would sit. Holding the knife at a slight angle helps. If that doesn’t seem to be working, switch to a brush until you get farther up the stem. To make it look like a stem, think about creating a loose upside down “L” shape. The stem should continue to get skinnier and skinnier the farther you get away from the top of the pumpkin.
Add accent colors of sap green, burnt orange and white to highlight the stem and give it dimensions you can also small touches of green and yellow ochre to highlight the pumpkin if desired as well.
The one thing I do want to make sure I highlight about painting a pumpkin or any kind of art for that matter.
Creating without comparison matters.
I’ve taught a lot of workshops, well over 50 in the last 3 years. One thing I know. I don’t care what you think your talent or skill level is… Your art matters. Your hand that touches the canvas matters.
Everyone’s art should look different and that should be celebrated. It shouldn’t look perfect, and that should also be celebrated. That’s what makes art so beautiful, how different it is. And the simple fact that you created it makes is beautiful… The. End. So find enjoyment in your creating and painting, and just play.