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Mini Dining Room Makeover

We are finally approaching our first frost here as the temperature dips, and it was time to re-pot all of my plants and bring them inside. The fun part about bringing the plants inside is trying to find room for all of them (total sarcasm) since then our home becomes something of an urban jungle. I really had to find room for my Meyer Lemon tree and it needed  to go in the sunniest room, so I thought swiveling the table around  might help a little for a mini dining room makeover.

Dining room before mini- makeover

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I actually had posted it on Instagram, and I immediately got a ton of questions about our room divider built in bookcase. I have a video below from that post that answers a few questions. Ironically enough, we built that bookcase as a way to give me a small studio space. If I had only known at the time! Oh what a journey it’s been since we carved out that little nook! Sometimes I feel like this blog is a reverse crystal ball. If I had only known then what I know now! It’s certainly a chronicle of my life and creative journey. I’ve had at least 4 different spaces in our home that have been my studio space. As our life has changed those spaces have changed too. You can see what it looked like before we added the bookshelf, I was already working in that little extra space behind the table. In 2012 I had 3 littles under 10, and all of the warm beige-y tones of the early 2000’s were making way for gray and white.

Room before divider

Check out the dining room mini-makeover video here, and read the rest of the post below.



As you can see the built in bookcases have grown as well, and I still don’t have enough room for all of our books! You can shop some of my favorite books here.

In our dining area, I do like that I have the option of turning our table in either direction. Not only is it nice to switch it up, but it let’s us extend the table when we have people over.

Dining room mini-makeover by changing the table position

The chairs were a recent FB marketplace find, and I’ve ordered fabric to recover them. The foam is shot  (too many years of bottoms) and they need some re-padding, though the frames are super sturdy and have amazing lines!!!  And let’s talk about that light over the table… it’s the worst light I’ve ever had. It won’t hang straight no matter what I’ve tried, so I’ve had my eye out for something new that swags.

This room feels ignored and hodge podge, and is due for a bigger update including a new wall treatment, and the chair reupholstering will be the kick off, so that’s coming soon!