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Kitchen windowsill decorating ideas

The nice thing about being  a blogger is you end up with kind of a chronicle of your past life. At least your past house life. It’s kind of fun to look back and see how things have evolved over time. One area I haven’t explored looking back over yet is my past kitchen windowsill decorating. And, because I know you were just jonesing to take that walk down memory lane with me, I am going to to put my pride away, and dig deep into the “Wow, that looked like complete crap files” to show you some pictures from my very early blogging days.

When I first started blogging, my house was a mess! And I don’t mean just because I had 3 kid under the age of 5. I mean because we didn’t have any money, I didn’t know what I liked, and the only resources were catalogs like Pottery Barn.  So, everything was based off of that. I thought I only could decorate with what was shown to me. It was through the years of blogging, I’ve pin-pointed my style, and realized I can be a trend-setter instead of the trend-follower I was.

So here you go. Here’s the ugly-bad. Welcome to 2007.

Oak kitchen 2007

I was painting murals at the time, and Italian-themes kitchens and faux finises were HAWT. Yes, those are grapes painted on my walls. The only cool thing was the old-stained glass I hung in the window,and the windowsill was full of kids projects.

Old darkw ood windowsill cabinets

2008-2009 wasn’t too much better, but I had redone the back splash to bead-board in an effort to brighten things up a bit. And, I still was using a point and shoot camera, lots of times with a flash, at night.

Herbs on windowsill

2010 was when we finally painted our cabinets, and I loved the change! I started to do a little more kitchen windowsill decorating, and having fun. I was finding my style. I also bumped up my game and finally got a big girl camera. Things were starting to change in the blog world and pictures started to become more styled and glossier.

Earyl spring kitchen windowsill decorating idea. Great idea use a towel bar uner that fake cabinet drawer under the sink to hold dish towels.

2011, I loved adding fresh flowers  and color! I started to get the hang of composition. The other things I found, is a nice dish or tea towel can make a huge difference!

Flowers for a kitchen windowsill decorating idea

2012-2013 brought on all kinds of things, like they finally opened and Anthropologie near me.Kitchen windowsill ideas for spring

That was the end of the beginning .:)

Kitchen windowsill decoarting ideas

(Man, I must like that towel, it shows up in  a lot of pictures!)

I always find if I don’t know what to put there, flowers can make a world of difference, even in recycled jars.

Pumpkins for a kitchen window sill decorating idea

Into 2014-2015 when I really started to have fun. I’ve had enough experience blogging and photographing to know what looks good, and what the right angles are to take so you don’t see any dirty dishes in the bottom of the sink. Sometimes in life, those lessons are the most important of all.

Fall kitchen windowsill idea

And in 2016 we finally retired the original faucet.She had a good run, but she started leaking.

Reclaimed wood with vintage stamps mini sign

I loved her, but she had to go.

Kitchen windowsill decorating ideas

We went a bit more modern and slim on the faucet, an I actually like how it looks cleaner and more streamlined.

White kitchen modern farmhouse

And here it is after we added a subway tile backsplash to our kitchen,you can see the entire subway tile project reveal here.

Kitchen sink with window and corbels

As my style has changed it has definitely become more minimal and less-cluttered. I just find I need/want less stuff and am 100% OK with not having something on every single surface. I hope you enjoyed this little stroll down memory lane with me. I’m going to do a little kitchen windowsill decorating now.



  1. I have started a blog, and then totally froze, because it looks so daunting. There is so much to learn. But then I realize that many just started where they were – so this post is inspiring. I would love to hear more about your journey 🙂

    Also – I can totally see this hanging herb garden in your sunny window. http://www.decoist.com/2015-05-08/indoor-herb-gardens/

    Scroll down the page to the rods across the windows w/hanging pots. Except, in your case, the rod would be a pipe or something a bit more attractive :))

  2. I’ve always thought your kitchen was, and still is, one of the prettiest around (since you painted the cupboards – just to be clear!).

  3. Having just started a blog, I find that taking good photos is the most challenging part. I’m encouraged to see how you developed your personal style and skills over some years. And for me it’s keeping the dog toys out of the photo.

  4. Love your new design/painted kitchen. I love your old faucet, but I understand having to replace it since it started leaking. Nice Job!

  5. The entire VintageStyleLiving.com staff loves your blog! We love that faucet too. What a difference from the 2007 shot, You created a truly warm and welcoming place. Thanks for sharing!

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