A Makeover by Adding Fabric to a Nightstand Drawer and Top

Before decoupaging the fabric onto the top of the nightstand and onto the drawer front, I first painted red along the top edge of the entire night stand and your friend. I felt this would help the fabric blend better, and give it a nice little accent of color. Once that dried, I use this technique for decoupaging the fabric onto both the top and the nightstand drawer. You might notice that on the after picture, there’s only one knob, and on the previous picture there was a spot for two holes. I actually ended up filling the holes with wood putty, and then re-drilling a new hole for a new knob. I like the way the single knob looked better. But using decoupage as a fabric surface, it’s actually easier to cover up any handle holes that you fill. See some tips to do that here.
Once the fabric decoupage was completely dry, I applied a clear coat over the entire piece, and I added an extra clear coat over any of the decoupage surfaces. I wanted to make sure that if this was used on a daily basis that it would be very resilient to wear and tear overtime. I love using fabric as the decoupage surface sometimes on furniture, especially when the top is damaged and can’t be repaired it any other way. If you want to know what the best sealer is for your painted furniture, check out this post on the best sealer to use.
This is such a great transformation with just a little bit of material costs!
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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com