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Re- upholstered Love

I did it…
I had this couch from my Grandmother. She bought it in 1959.
It was the couch my Dad slept on. Now that he’s passed, it has even more meaning to me, but it need to be re- upholstered! Just like I did this couch.
And I love these vintage sofas!
vintage couch to be re- upholsteredIt’s over 50 years old and for years wore a plastic covering that actually hurt when you tried to stand up.Lord help you if you fell asleep on it face first!



After getting it home from where it was being stored; the years had taken their toll and the fabric had dry rotted a bit. When I tried to clean it, it split and tore and when I washed the cushions… well, they shrunk. Plus, if you look at the bottom, the fabric is stained, torn and pulling away and the arms were very stained and it had a smoky odor.


I had a lot of great suggestions from people on what to do to avoid reupholstering it. But I knew deep down, I wouldn’t be happy until we could use it and enjoy it(There is an ironic part coming up here…).


So we had it reupholstered.. and

Tah dah!

re- upholstered vintage couch

I am
in love.


The pictures show it a little lighter than it is, it is actually more of a camel color and it’s so soft.


I would say upholstering a good quality piece of furniture is definitely cheaper than buying a new couch of the same . I would say by about 2/3. The upholsterer told me it was really well made, all solid wood and there wasn’t a thing wrong with it springs and all and it would last another 50 years… Plus, you can pick the custom fabric you really want. I picked a super kid-friendly chenille that wears like iron and cleans easily. Are you ready for the ironic part?


The picture I showed you before, you know the one where it’s covered? That’s really not just for a surprise…


It’s like that all day long. This couch is now the nicest, newest piece of furniture we own and I’m not about to let it get covered in the first 3 months with marker, crayon and mac-n-cheese goo. 3 months of bliss, that’s all I ask.. is that too much?


I’ve also started on part of my dining room make over. and I wanted to share a thrift find. I found this console table for $20 at a garage sale.
I tried for a clear shot, but some one always wants to get in the picture 😉
.. also, if you look to the right, do you see a soon to be revealed make- over peeking out? 🙂




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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com