Vintage Market with Sherpa Christmas Tree Display
I recently set up a booth at the Washington Street Holiday Market. It felt like old home week because I first sold at this show over 10 years ago. Since I don’t do as many markets anymore, it gave me a great opportunity to really play with my display. We had been getting a ton of deliveries to the house in a lot of large sturdy boxes. I don’t know what it is, but I hate to throw out a perfectly good box (or glass jar). I had the idea to create a sherpa Christmas tree display with cardboard logs in a wintery theme. It was really fun to figure out how to put it together. I also added a pipe rack to make a pine and cedar over the table display. I really love the end result and wanted to share with you a little about how I made it and how the display turned out.

I was in an end cap so I decided to set it up as corner space so people could easily walk through the space as they came in the front door. To create the sherpa tree, I first built a cardboard structure by taking the longer pieces from the largest box and cutting them on an angle to make long triangles. The middle layer was made from smaller triangles and top tier the smallest triangles.

The cardboard was taped in the middle together for the sherpa tree then I cut a slit in the top of one and the bottom of the other so they could slide together.

That created each section of the tree structure. To join the two structures together, I created a circle out of cardboard that I cut cut slots in that I could slide the base if the tree structure into.

To create height, the two bottom layers were flattened off at the top and a circle was cut with slits to join them together.

Once everything was slotted together, I cut a sherpa blanket from Walmart into circles to place around the outside and hot glued it together. I made two mini trees with just triangles and a circle and draped those with a simple circle.

After being put together, I wrapped the sherpa tree in battery operated lights. They were so cute with my cardboard logs, and really made my display space. It was fun market and I am so thankful to everyone who came out!