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5 must read lifestyle blogs for Monday

Hi everyone! I am still slowly swinging back into real life.I have to be honest, I really thought I was going to rebound faster than I have from surgery. It’s been almost 4 weeks, and I still have days where the middle of the day comes and I just need to lay down and out my feet up, and I have yet to make it past 5 pm where I am not totally wrecked.

I was supposed to go to the Hope Spoken conference this weekend and hang with this girl. The day before I was supposed to go, I realized (with quite a few tears,), I just couldn’t do it. Even though I was really looking forward to going,I physically just didn’t have it in me. Not only getting through the airport,( because right now I need a nap after a trip through Hobby Lobby,), but making through an entire day.Not only physically, but mentally. I always push, push, push myself, and it’s not in my DNA to quit or waffle on anything or anyone,but I realized this was one time I needed to stop and re-evaluate. My hip is still healing from the bone graft, and my fusion is still growing bone and won’t be set for another 3 weeks. For once, even though I didn’t want to,I knew I needed to listen to my body and not push it.

I’ve been trying to eat really well, make sure I make super healthy smoothies, do my physical therapy,and get a one mile walk in everyday-which always leads to a nap. I’ve also started doing “bullet proof coffee” every day too with my raisin bran.If you aren’t familiar with it, you blend coconut oil and pasture (grass fed) butter into your morning coffee. It’s supposed to slow the caffeine digestion and the fat is supposed to be good for your brain. I’ve read the pro’s and con on both sides, and at first I thought it sounded a bit wack-a-doo. The actual recipe calls for  a huge amount of fat,like 4 tablespoons!I just do a half teaspoon of each. I figure with my body still healing, the added in “good fat” can only help. I may ditch the butter after a while and just go back to plain coconut oil, but for now I am giving it a try.

In the mean time, I just keep praying that everything keeps healing like it should, so I can get back to being really active again. I am itching to get some DIY projects done.

One of the things I’ve noticed, that has been keeping me from going totally crazy, is I follow a ton of people on Instagram, and it’s easy to lose sight that many of these Instagrammers also have amazing blogs and content. I’ve had a lot of time recently to read a lot of blogs and I wanted to share them with you.

So here are five awesome lifestyle blogs to kick your week off with!

Restoration House Interiors

kennesha blog restoration house

Not only are Kennesha and her family super cute, but she has a really nice, fresh, and creative  lifestyle blog, and her IG feed is always filled with tons of inspiration.

Wick’s Nest

wicks nest blog

With a great eye, and a fun colorful style, Kristy’s home and blog are filled with lots of ideas and beautiful interiors.

Whimsy Girl Design

Whimsy girl design

With a great eye for design and incorporating vintage decor and collections into everyday decorating. Plus, an amazing home to boot!

Kindred Vintage & Co

kindred vintage and co

With a fab mixed look of glam and vintage, I have followed her on instagram for ages.She now has a blog and I can’t wait to see more of her home!

Oh My Dear

Fun kitchen from Oh My Dear

With a fun, bright style, and amazing photography, I love checking in on Brittany’s posts daily.

And I decided I needed to throw in one more, even though I just said 5.

Julie Blanner

Julie Blanner dining room

With a lovely home, and great entertaining ideas, Julie’s blog is a pretty, lifestyle journey!

I hope you love these ladies as much as I do!

Jen signature

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  1. I have never read any of these blogs before so I’m so happy so have some new reading for today!
    Wishing you a speedy recovery 🙂
    Emily xx

  2. Listen to your body and rest is important. I had surgery in September and I finally was back to normal February 1st.
    I am older then you so it took longer. You did the right thing about not going on the trip.

  3. Thanks for the recommendations – some of those blogs are new to me, and I always love discovering new blogs to read!

    Hope you’re back to your old self soon. The closest comparison I can draw from is when I had knee surgery, and it really knocked me down harder than I expected. It got downright depressing, quite honestly, and it really makes you appreciate your mobility and being free from pain! Hang in there!

  4. Jen,

    I didn’t know what your surgery involved but this was extremely invasive. My heart goes out to you and I’ll keep you in my prayers. It sounds like you’re doing all the right things, all that walking sounds really great and I know it must be so difficult. Keep up the good work!

    I think I’m following a lot of these girls on Instagram, which I just started doing a few weeks ago (thanks for following!). It’s different yet so closely tied to blogging. I just love it! I have to check out some of these girls I haven’t met.

    Healing thoughts to you! 🙂 Have a blessed Easter!

    Jane xx

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