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Big Dreams and Big Risks

I have to admit; I have big plans and big dreams. Some of them bigger than I can even fathom getting done and becoming real.
The wheels are always turning around here. My husband asked me if it they ever stopped… The answer would have to be “No” I swear the five most dreaded words around my house are: “You know what I’m thinkin’? ” It’s about Big Dreams and Big Risks.
Paint palette of paint

All of your supportive comments about my photo shoot really lifted me. It’s helping me to push myself even more.
I am learning this year to take risks and be okay with it.  This weekend is a big risk moment for me; I am going to have a real person modeling my upcycled clothing this time for my collection. This is  really pushing me out of my comfort zone. It’s such a new idea for me and I am not a professional  photographer by ant means. I really haven’t shot any “people” outside of my kids… And furniture doesn’t move.
Many of you asked how Country Living found me. While I had done some projects for them before, the editor actually saw my post on Facebook. That’s right, Facebook. After she saw it and passed it on, then she contacted me. It’s about putting yourself out there.
Paint brushes in a cup


Normally, I am the one submitting, sending in, getting rejected. It was so nice for once to have someone knock on my door for once.
It was all about taking that chance and putting it up there for the world to see, even though I wasn’t sure of the outcome.
tubes of paint
Another person who takes brilliant risks is my friend, Anne Marie. To promote her sale, she stepped out on a limb and contacted Tracy Porter. Yes, THE Tracy Porter.
Those of you who know me know I ADORE Tracy Porter. She’s an inspiration to me the way she grew herself and her business. And she just let’s herself out there and creates with abandon. I so admire that. I want to be that. I really look up to dream chasers, and catchers. 😉
Tracy is doing an awesome giveaway on Anne Marie’s blog in honor of the Boho Ball Friday night. Stop over and enter. I know I am.
The Nada farm event is coming up soon.  I have been chatting with some of the other vendors about all of the amazing things they are bringing. I can’t believe how fast it is coming up.

If you are reading this post at any other sites or blogs besides Jenniferrizzo.com, your rss feed,e-mail or in your reader this is stolen content.

*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com


  1. You must be so proud!
    Please come visit my post on my most recent shelter pet in need and enter my GIVEAWAY! Some GREAT design books!


  2. Hi Jennifer~
    This is just what I needed to read this morning. I have rarely been a risk taker, so reading this was very encouraging to me. I think your photography is outstanding. How very exciting that you are going to have a model for your clothing line. I admire your drive!
    🙂 Lara

  3. You inspire me with your talent and ‘realness’, I admire that about you. Thank you for all that you do.

    -Aaron {the girl with the boy’s name}


  4. That is so awesome! All of it! Congrats! I love Tracy Porter too. There is a chance…just a slim chance…that I could get to Anne Marie’s sale…my sister lives in Chicago. But…so much is going on. How I would love to be there, meet you all and see the goodies. Thanks for all your inspiration and your fantastic photos.

  5. I can not wait to see those photos in Country Living. What an honor that must be 🙂
    And here’s to reaching your dreams…you are certainly well on your way! I know God will guide you to take those risks and overcome some fear. You are such an inspiration to me!
    Becky C

  6. Without the risk of failure, we rarely succeed. You, my friend, are rightfully enjoying some well deserved success!!!

    Keep on doing what you’re doing, I love seeing you spread your wings. 🙂


  7. Jennifer, I want you to know I am CHEERING you on! BIG things are about to happen for you… come on! Country living! AWESOME! DREAM BIG GIRL!!!!
    Have a pretty day!

  8. Just what I wanted to read, You sound just like me. I never stop thinking of what I an do next…have a great weekend Jennifer…


  9. I am just so happy for you, Jen! Isn’t is amazing with the unexpected happens!? *sigh…*

    And I love me some Tracy Porter, too! Did you ever get to visit her shop in Princeton, WI where she lived? Amazing. If you ever take another road trip that direction, you have to stop. Such a cool little town. Her shop is long gone, but others that are just as awesome remain.

    Love your photos, by the way. ;o)


  10. I have realized I need to take more risks in my life. I am one of those “safe” people who is too afraid of failing; and your post has got me thinking I REALLY need to do it! I want my blog to be successful and I want my etsy shop to be successful too. You are never going to know if you don’t take risks!

    Thank you!


  11. i am betting the photos of your live model for your clothing collection will be more beautiful than you are anticipating…have faith…you have a great talent!!
    you have to always “risk it”…it’s so much better than the “what if” even if one fails.
    so excited for the Na-Da Farm event!!

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