Bird nest coloring book page free printable
Have you been diving into the coloring book craze yet?I think it’s a great outlet for creativity and I have a bird nest coloring book page free printable for you.
I LOVED coloring as a kid. In fact it always reminds me of visiting my grandma. She lived in the city and there wasn’t a ton to do at her house. This was way back when there were only about 6 TV stations and on a Sunday there was nothing on for kids during the day. And, if the Sox were playing (We’re South siders all the way…) you DID NOT even try to touch the TV.
Sometimes we would briefly venture into the basement.She had a super creepy basement with wonky stairs that I still have nightmares about to this day. Needless to say, there was not a lot of stuff to do. We could go outside on nice days, but anything rainy or wet out we were stuck inside. For those days she did have was a cigar box full of old and broken crayons, and a few coloring books that already had all of the best pages colored. The thing is were didn’t care. We would dig into that old box, lay on our stomachs and color away.
The bird nest coloring book page can be printed on regular paper and you use marker or crayon.
You can do like I did and print it on water color or mixed media paper and use watercolors on it.
I will mention though that ink jet ink is water soluble, so if you want to use watercolors, I would print this out on a machine that has toner in it like a copy machine or printer to keep the ink from running.
I colored mine in and then cut it out and glued it onto another sheet of white paper to give it a more interesting and dimensional look.
Just right mouse click to save as an image! Happy coloring!
You can also get this as a pillow from my Society 6 shop!
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