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How to Make Your Own Faux Clay Decor Tile

Do you love playing with clay and want to make your own home decor item? Here’s a fun way to make your own faux clay decor tile!

Let the glaze and paint dry and seal

I love using a product called Paperclay . It is a super responsive and malleable clay product that dries really fast. It says it will stick to any surface, it did pretty good to the wooden plaque ($1.99) but I found by wetting the wood, it stuck even better. Did you know I taped a TV show early last spring? It’s only local, but it was fun. It’s about the art in our  area. It’s still in editing. I didn’t know that TV took so long to do. I co-hosted and got to do my own crafting segment which was really cool, an actual dream come true. After that I was bitten by the bug and would love to do it big time, if HGTV ever comes calling, I’ll be ready ;)! I made this craft on my local TV show and it was so much fun.

Use clay to make shapes on the wood

I orignally used sharpened pencil as c lay tool to make the leaf lines and then I flattened them. I ended up not liking it, so (I cheated and)I pulled out a stamp I had and used that instead. It stamped really well, which opened up the possibilities for even more projects!

Press the clay onto the wood surface use a pencil to make lines

After finishing the plaque I found it took only about 6 hours to dry. And I thought initially that I was going to blow through 8 oz. of the clay really fast. The whole plaque only took me about 2 oz. so there is plenty for another project. After it dried I painted the entire thing with off white acryic craft paint as a base.

Once the clay is dry paint over with acrylic paint

I then decided I wanted to give it an old, glazed look like a really old aged tile. I mixed up a 50/50 paint and glaze ratio and applied it all over the top of the tile with a soft, flat paint brush. Some areas I painted the glaze on a little heavier, especially in the cracks and crevices.

Brush brown paint over the top to glaze

I used a slightly damp paper towel anywhere I wanted to give a lighter look to or add more contrast.

Use a damp paper towel to remove any excess paint

I found I really love this product a lot, it was fun to work with and molded really well. This project was great because it was way under $10. It would be easy to do a set of 3 tiles for under $15.00! You could fill an entire wall.

Display faux clay tile on a stand

This was fun to make and has a ton of potential!

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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com

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