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Basement Christmas Decorating Ideas and Edited Out Book Pictures

I have found when you write a book, you either take a  lot of pictures you don’t use, or you get home after  a looong day of shooting and realize there was one picture you didn’t take that you should have.Doh!I took so many for Creatively Christmas because I was afraid that I would miss some. I think my poor computer groaned under the weight of all of those photos.I found out when you plan a book(Unlike blogging where I can do whatever the heck I want.), there are also only so many pages for so many pcitures. So… there was a lot of trying to decide what worked and what didn’t, even if I felt it was all awesome.These pictures are from  Traci’s basement. She had it so cute, with such great Christmas decorating, and I really wanted to use it, but the lighting wasn’t right no matter what I did.She had so many other amazing things in her home, unfortunately,it just didn’t fit. Luckily, instead of just forgetting about them, I get to share them with you here and give you some Basement Christmas Decorating Ideas.

A holiday display perfect for Christmas decorating, featuring a small Christmas tree, vintage suitcases, old skis, a large pine cone wreath, a lantern, and a rustic metal pipe.

She had this amazing display with a really tall mirror and vintage trunks and industrial items. I just loved the whole way the vignette looked!!! If I had added it to the book I would have captioned it with something like : With added embellishments of a vintage trunk and suitcase, lanterns and natural holiday decor,a large brass mirror reflects light and makes the space look larger and brighter. It’s flanked on one side with vintage pipe stacks  for an industrial lodge like feel.

Pretty mirror and great holiday display in front with vintage suitcases a wood wreath vintage skis and a faux pine tree,edited out from the book Creatively Christmas

And then you look deeply into this picture and you see that I obviously don’t know who to either 1. Get out of the shot  2. Do my hair 3.Put my camera somewhere less obvious 4. If I had wanted to use it,I would have had to learn to use Photoshop.

Cute lantern on wood slice with a faux pine tree next to it

This picture was just over-exposed. It was so cute though! I love those little faux trees with burlap at the base. SOOO stinking cute! If you love little bottlebrush pine trees check out this post.

Nice cozy holiday nook with two chairs and a table between on a cow skin rug in a basement

And don’t you jut want to curl up here and read a book. I love those chairs.The whole thing made such a nice scene, I wish I could have included it.

Sometimes when you take photos, it’s hard to say no to yourself. You really do fall in love with certain photos, but then you realize you have to use a discriminating eye and narrow it down. You don’t need seven of the same picture from eight slightly different angles. Normally out of all of them there are one or two that are the best, even if you love all eight.

Jen signature

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  1. Great that you can share these now. I have spaces in my home that absolutely just do not ever photograph well; hence, never have been blogged about. Traci’s room has a great look to it. I hope you can share more of these outtakes.

  2. Oh Jen thank you for sharing these! and for answering a question which has been nagging me every since we move in here… how is the scale off in our “entry way?” Its our mirror!!! It needs to be much larger or there needs to be less distance between it and the card catalogue. Now to find the perfect width and height mirror that doesn’t cost a fortune! Wish me luck!!!

    These pictures are just brimming with inspiration!!!!

  3. Lovely!
    My eyes glaze over as soon as I see the galvanized column. What is that and where can I find one? Its very industrical country cabinish.

  4. these are beautiful photos! I’m hoping my book arrives soon. I preordered in August and am still getting a backordered notice from amazon

    1. I know, me too! I was told by the publisher it is supposed to ship out this week and be back in stock. I ordered one to see when they get here!

  5. Love this. The mirror is especially gorgeous. I great idea for in a basement. Thank you for sharing.

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