My First Trunk Show and a Panic Attack
I don’t know what I was thinking… doing my first Trunk show sounded so romantic, so professional and artsy when I was asked and I felt so important…I thought I was IT. Now I am having anxiety attacks …Like when I hear the word root canal… or gallbladder surgery…
What if I don’t have enough stuff?
What if people think my stuff sucks?
What if I don’t recover all of the money I’ve spent (that’s a whole ‘nother story, thanks for talking me down from that ledge Nicola.)?
What if no one comes?
What if people buy only out of sympathy?
Did I mention there are some day’s we’ve eaten at the coffee table in the living room because there’s no room at the kitchen table?
We’ve eaten a lot of Subway too…
At times I ask myself what I’m doing…
What was I thinking? Doing my first trunk show when I have no clue what I am doing!!!!!
I’m panicking, and I know it. My stomach hurts.
I’m the one girl scout that could never sell enough boxes of cookies and it still haunts me.
I’ve had craft shows I’ve never recovered the $25 table fee from… and I can tell you it’s felt like a huge defeat. What if I spend all of this money to make all of these things and no one buys anything? What if no one likes anything I’ve made? I feel like this is what I am meant to do but then I wonder…
Thanks for letting me get that off of my chest.
You guys are the best. You can see how my trunk show turned out here.
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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com