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Fall colors in Illinois are finally here!

Remember last week how I was whining just a bit(okay, maybe a lot) about how the Fall colors in Illinois were taking so darn long? Well, they are finally here and I took a tour through our local arboretum to enjoy them.

MIdwest prairie fall colors in Illinois

The colors were just amazing. They were every kind of fall color! Amazing and brilliant yellows,warm and rustic oranges, and welcoming and blazing ruby reds.

Fall colors in Illinois

It was almost magical.

yellow fall colors

It makes it feel like an entirely different place all together.

brilliant yellow fall leaves

I didn’t even have nay need to edit most of these pictures. They were just perfect the way they are.

bridge and fall colors

Illinois fall road with trees

Now I know why there is something called “forest bathing”. Just being there makes me feel clean and whole and connected.

Oak tree fall leaves

And we are lucky enough that the weather is still amazing here and we can actually walk outside and enjoy it and not freeze our bums off.

Fall colors in IlllinoisOur local arboretum has a visitors center and they always put up a really cool display.

Fall display with a topiary tree

This year they had these amazing displays out of pumpkins, and they made these topiaries out of fall flowers and sedge grasses.

Pretty fall tree topiary

I caught one with the sun behind it and it looked beautiful with the yellow leaves!

Fall tree topiary at arboretum display

It’s so creative and inspiring!

pupkin fall decor pile

They had hundreds of pumpkins and I happened to catch some one else enjoying them. I am so lucky I have such an amazing arboretum so close by! It’s a great plant resource and I get so many ideas!

Squirrel eating pumpkin

This is the part of fall I love. Even though I adore Christmas, this is the part I find it hard to say goodbye too. The fall colors in Illinois,plaid shirts with out a coat, a warm coffee and boots with crunching leaves. Once the weather dips and the trees lose their leaves, it will be a little easier for me to transition, but until then, I will hold onto every last it of fall I can!

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