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Artist Market and My Trip to Paducah,Kentucky with Friends and Kari and Kijsa

A good time as had by all in good old Kentucky…  My friends Mary and Nicola were nice enough to brave the 6 hour ride with me and take pictures so I could be a part of an artist market at Kijsa Houseman’s studio in Paducah, Kentucky. They were great travel buddies too and we had  a blast.

Jennifer Rizzo at an artist market with her goods at a table

We had a great time at Kari and Kijsa’s show. It was so amazing to be able to bring things I made with my own hands and have people shop them. Of course we had the warmest hosts ever, and Kijsa’s studio is amazing.

Jennifer Rizzo at Kijsa Houseman studio

I can’t get over how these girls are amazing! So warm,friendly and just plain creatively amazing. I was inspired just walking in the door.

Kari and KIjsa

Kijsa is an amazing artist and with KariAnne, she is so creative, you can’t help but fall in love.

Handpapered journals by Jennifer Rizzo

It was a fun show and I met some fabulous people. And of course we also had some time to relax and be silly after the market.

Jennifer Rizzo being silly

Checked back in with the kids. Even though it was a nice break, I missed them a ton.


We visited a lovely little tea house. and had an amazing afternoon sipping tea and talking about the market.

Pretty layered mirrors

They had these mirrors which now I am going to figure out how to duplicate. I loved how this looked. The way the panels are together are so gorgeous. I actually ended up replicating the mirrors from dollar store mirrors here.

Paducah KY flood wall mural sign

They have this amazing stretch of flood wall murals by a really talented artist named Robert Dafford. The detail and color were amazing. If you go to Paducah, you have to go and see them. They are just beautiful.

Murals in Paducah KY

They stretched on for about a half mile. They were so life-like we were inspired (though we did get close, we  made sure we didn’t actually touch them as to disturb the pain or add wear and tear.).
And we got a little silly.

Having fun running mby the flood wall murals

Shark! Everybody out of the water!

Woman standing by a Cool mural on the wall in KY

Bon voyage! It was kind of fun to play around by them even though we are grown adults.

Jennifer Rizzo at the flood wall murals in Kentucky

Thank goodness there’s no fire! Ha ha, this brought me back to my glory days!

WOman in front of an ice skating mural pretending to skate

It’s  a lovely day to skate! My friend, Mary had fun pretending.

Woman pretending to pick a strawberry from a mural

mmm.. berries!

Wiman pretending to get hit my a train in front of a mural

AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Ok, I know I am a total dork. Even though the artist market was so much fun, it was stressful to give it a try, and it felt like so much fun to go out and play around and be silly.

two women standing in front of surplus city

 One the last day we met Kijsa at a FABULOUS overstock store named Surplus City..Where we found things we didn’t even know we needed.

Women screaming at shoppng carts after spending too much money

I think we bought a bit too much!
Thanks for coming along! And thank you to every one who participated in the party on Thursday! It was an amazing experience to be a part of the Artist market and be able to get such great experience!

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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com

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