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Hallway Makeover Planning

I wanted to have more to share with you this week about the new room new year challenge, but it’s been a bit of a personal challenge around here. I still have kids home from college and school and since I’m making over the whole way it’s been virtually impossible. Forget about leaving bedroom doors open to paint them. I have a video to share with you, talking a little bit about the progress and the design idea, and the items I have ordered for the makeover has started rolling in, I wanted to share those with you too.

Hallway wall

So far, everything has made it in one piece which is exciting! I never know how they are going to end up at my doorstep. My own mail delivery person and the UPS carrier are normally really careful and really nice, but you never know how items have been beat up along the way. Luckily, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief, and everything arrived with very little damage including the lighting. The plan will be next week when everybody is back to school to break out the can of paint and start tackling the walls.

multicolor rug runner

I’m very excited about the color of the rug because I think that the multi colors in it are really going to help, plus it has enough pattern to hide dirt or stains.

Hallway wall

On the walls, I originally I wanted to do a treatment I’ve seen floating run online using what’s known as pole rap as a wood treatment on the wall. Pole wrap is a bunch of slats put together on a fabric background that you can use to wrap around a metal pole that is in your basement. After pricing it out I realize it just wasn’t going to work. The cost would far outweigh the benefit. It’s basically $40 a linear foot even in my little hallway. It would be about five or $600 which just isn’t in the budget. I’m going to look for a slightly less expensive option or I’ll just leave the walls painted underneath.

Arch mirror with shelf

I’m excited to replace both mirrors, and was breathing in a sign of relieve that they both made it in one piece,especially the larger one!

Standing arch mirror

I hope next week that I’m going to have some great updates for you in a little bit of progress and some paint on the wall.

new year new room refresh challenge participants image 2023

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