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hardware store DIY mirrors

The design house opening night is finally here! It’s so exciting to finally see it happening, and I can’t wait to share the pictures with you. It was really fun for me because I designed an art studio, and it was fun to push myself outside of the box and go crazy with color and pattern. I also was able to make a lot of the decor  and put my own touch on it,which I really loved doing.

I have a fun project to share with you from the house. I’d found a round mirror and spray painted it gold, but it wasn’t as big as I wanted. I decided to make it appear bigger by making some smaller mirrors. I did a little hardware store trolling and came up with an electrical box fitting,a water heater fitting and a craft mirror from Micheal’s to put these  hardware store DIY mirrors together.

Plumbing fittings for a mirror

First I spray painted them a pretty gold.

MAke and easy DIY hardward store hanging mirror

After they dried, I glued the craft mirrors into the electrical box fitting and then backed it with cardboard to give it some sturdiness and a place to hang it from.

glue cardboard on the back of the fitting

I then used an all purposed glue to adhere the two fittings together. Once they were dry, I added the picture hanger on the back.

add mulitpurpose glue to make a custom mini mirror

It was a really easy project and I love how they turned out, and how they look with the  other mirror.

They mimic the shape perfectly.

Make these cute mini DIY mirrors from the hardware store

I also spray painted some metal craft flowers and used those to balance out the mirrors on top.

Make a small mirror appear larger by putting object around it

I love how the room is shaping up and I can’t wait to show you more.

Love your neighbor design house

I have a few more projects to share with you that I think you are going to love.

Jen signature


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