Let’s take the china out of china cabinet…
This is a subject near and dear to my heart…. For the last 8 years my china cabinet and hutch dutifully sat across from each other in my “dining room”.
Why? I don’t know. ‘Cause they were supposed to?
I had junk jammed in them that I never used. I hated dusting everything because it never got used (Okay, I admit, I never dusted .), and it looked, well, stuffy.
When I was moving my furniture around, it occurred to me that my house is small enough that I need every piece to really work for me. There was no room for things to just take up space.
With my china cabinet, I realized I didn’t need to display 40 china place settings that just sat and dusty wine glasses from Sweden that no one else really noticed any way. I packed them up and put in the things I really put the miles on, cook books, decorating books, serving platters I used a lot, and even candles I rotate… and placed it in our new sitting area.
The antique buffet that belonged to my Gram became our new TV stand. Some day that flat screen is going to look good there…
Then I started brain-storming.. how can we get all of that stuffy furniture out of a stuffy room and really — USE it?….
forget the plates and junk; just fill it with books, books, books.
Do you have a china cabinet or buffet/server you’ve used differently than what it’s intended for? Put the link to your post on your comments so we can all stop over and take a look! I’d love to see what you’ve done!
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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com