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Crafted Vintage Sheet Music Mini-Garland

I love the look of vintage sheet music and it’s so pretty and versatile to craft with. I’ve been making these little buntings out of paper string and vintage sheet music and red and natural twisted twine. I think a Crafted Vintage Sheet Music Mini-Garland make the sweetest decor and so easy to make!
mini garland made with twine and vintage sheet music

I found the really fun twisted paper string at Ikea. I wish I had bought more when I saw it, when I went back they were totally  cleaned out, and I knew it would make a fun little banner for the holidays. If you’re a paper fan like myself, you love creating with vintage sheet music, and old hymnal or old book pages.  I’ve made ornaments, a paper chain, and DIY Christmas ornaments and more from them. I created this fun battery operated candle wrap with vintage sheet music. To begin take your first layer of sheet music and cut it into a strip. Fold the strip over onto itself.
Trim the vintage sheet music in alittle banner shape
Once you fold your sheet music over determine the size you want your little flags.
Cut little flags out of vintage sheet music
Make a teeny angle cut and then snip that piece off. Make the rest of the little flags the same way, The biggest thing is to decide on your spacing and then make as many flags from the sheet music as you think you will need for your Crafted Vintage Sheet Music Mini-Garland.
Little flags made out of vintage sheet music for crafts
Once you have quite  a few done, you can start building your  garland. Creating them goes really fast.
Fold the vintage sheet. music flag over the twine
You can use a hot glue gun, but I feel like thats excessive, just use a small dot of glue in the center and fold it over the string, let it dry and viola! So fast and easy! It has a hand made and a little bit vintage feel.
Sheet music garland on red striped twine
 Your mini-bunting is ready to go! I think it looks so cute! They are so cute for decorating your mini-trees with.
Mini green tree covered in a sheet music bunting
a Crafted Vintage Sheet Music Mini-Garland on a mini-tree


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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com


  1. OH how pretty! I don’t have paper sting but I do have some baker’s twine in assorted colors that might work wonderfully… wrapped around an old spool to be given as a gift. 🙂 Thank you I was desperately in need of inspiration for a handmade/homemade gift exchange which needs to be posted by Saturday… (i know… cutting it a little close!)

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