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Things I Say On Facebook

On my business Facebook page, I tend to share decorating inspiration and creative ideas. On my personal page however, I tend to share a bit more about my personal life.  Our home is a lot like yours, except everything is pretty much served with a side of sarcasm, a lot of random yelling, and sometimes we also break out into song, kind of like “Rizzo…The Musical!”. I’m not going to lie, on a good day, the Rizzo house is a lot like the wild west without the horses, and other days can seem like a free-for all with the inmates running the asylum. I thought I would be fun to share some of the things I say on Facebook about our daily life, and the weird randomness that happens. If you’re family is the same way, I am here to let you know, you are not alone! It’s not all glossy and family vacation pictures here. I thought I would share May through June today, and I’ll share the rest tomorrow. I apologize in advance for the grammatical errors and typos in my Facebook posts. What can I say? I have a small phone and fat fingers, and type them on the fly.

Happy peek at our normal,weirdo life!

Things I say on Facebook Jennifer Rizzo

Things I say on Facebook  Jennifer Rizzo

Escaped Anole.Things I post on Facebook Jennifer Rizzo

Things I say on Facebook Rizzo wrap

Things I say on Facebook Jennifer Rizzo

Things I share on Facebook Jennifer Rizzo


Things I say on Facebook Jennifer Rizzo


Things I share on Facebook Jennifer Rizzo

Things I say on Facebook Jennifer Rizzo



 I’ll have a few more gems from the Rizzo house to share with you tomorrow! If you’re looking for more peeks at our life you can read, Yes, we really live here.

One Comment

  1. Too funny! Lol. My 2 kids, boy and a girl. fought like rabid animals until they were 16 years old. Wish there had been fight-texting back then. It would have saved a few chunky bills with carpenter repair required. Did I mention they fought like rabid animals? Did I mention they were a boy and girl siblings?

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