Current Workshops at The Shop
Sometimes I can’t believe an entire year has gone by since we opened the shop. It’s so crazy to think that since my very first Nada Farm show, how much has happened! I think about starting back in wholesale and retail, all of those years ago when my kids were little, and I was painting mason jars and murals, and writing the blog. 11 years later, I actually co-own a retail store and makery. It’s kind of crazy. It’s probably something that will go in a book someday.
I wanted to share some of the events and goings on in the shop! We have our big one year birthday going on, Moms on Main downtown event, and tons of fun classes that have opened up. I thought it would be a good time to catch up!
Last month we launched our first subscription box “When Life Hands You Lemons”, and it sold out within a week! We now have a second box, “Some Like It Hot”. Each box is fill of items that we have curated ourselves from either local vendors, or we have designed, and had produced. The box value is over $100 retail, and the cost is only $79. It’s full of things that are hot, but not necessarily spicy.
Our first birthday is also coming up! We are hosting another fun, downtown event called Moms on Main. There are lots of goodies, giveaways, and events at each shop.We started this last year just after we opened, and are so excited to do it again this year!
If you’re a blog reader, make sure you let me know, so I can give you a special thank you gift! We also have some really great workshops coming up too!
You can check them out here, or register on our site.
We are so excited with everything that is happening in the shop, and hope you can join us!