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Decorating with Vintage Suitcases

Sometimes when I feel  creatively stuck, it helps me to do something entirely different. So on the fly two day ago I decided to rearrange my living room and decorate with vintage suitcases that I had spread round the house. I love using these not only for decorating, but it allows me to have extra storage in our cozy house in plain, but pretty site.
Stacked suitcases with a fern inside of a cloche
I had one corner I wasn’t sure what to do with, so I decided to play  a little bit with a set of vintage suitcases I use for display at shows and some picture frames.
Suitcases and picture frames
 I love old suitcases and they make such great hidden storage. Like I said, when you have a small house, every inch counts. See the biggest one on the bottom? Right now You are looking at the official shipping department of Jennifer Rizzo Designs.
Vintage suitcases and gold frames and a bird print
I love themismatch of frames, mirrors and pictures and how they add interest. I have  a weakness for vintage botanical and bird prints.
Cloche frames and suitcases
Whether you stack vintage suitcases or find another creative way to use them, theyall kind of goes together in a mis-matchy sort of way. It was a great way to get repurpose them and still enjoy how good they look together.

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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com


  1. Love it!! The suitcases are great way to store stuff and they also look so fantastic. I have managed to find only one so far. It stores kids’ legos…

  2. Love the suitcases and the frames together a wonderful look. One night I got the bug to rearrange my living room while my husband was sleeping and moved things from other rooms in there and other things out. Next day my husband thought I had bought all new items! It is good to change things up. Laura Cottage and Broome

  3. You have a beautiful blog! I adore your etsy store and your home.
    I hope you dont mind but id like to feature some of your photos on a future post..I’ll be sure to credit you.


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