Re-Purposed Work Bench to Potting Table
This was my grandpa’s work bench. It was an old butcher table that he used for years and years. I know it’s at least 60 years old if not more. Even though he died when I was around 10 years old, it stayed with everything else in my gram’s house till she passed at age 98 just a few years ago. We finally brought it home,and even though I didn’t need a work bench, I do need a potting table.
We placed it on the north side of Our Home, so it would have the least amount of exposure to the elements as possible. It was the perfect height to be able to repot all of my plants on, and keep a lot of my gardening supplies.
It has great rustic wood. A friend of ours is going to cover the top with metal for us, then I won’t worry about the dirt or weather, and it will be easy to clean.
I have all of my aunt’s old pickle jars on the bottom; she used to use them as cloches in early spring. They are also great for starting route cuttings all year round. I love that they were so inventive as to how they gardened using the resources they had. I am so thankful to have these things they used to use.
I bought this vintage bottle carrier at the flea last summer. I didn’t really have an indoor use for it, but it’s perfect to hold my seedlings and ready-to-plants.
I love just a bit of moss in a pot of texture. Luckily our patio grows plenty of free moss.
It’s still a few weeks until our last frost date, so I am chomping at the bit to get things in.
I can’t wait to put this basil in from the farmers market. I just couldn’t resist it even though I have to bring it and my seedlings in every night. It just smelled so good! I am jealous of all of you who already have garden season at full speed!
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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com
I love the bench! Everything you have on it looks wonderful! I am sure your grandpa would be so happy that you have given it new life!
Ohhhh Jen that is just the most wonderful potting bench!!
What a treasure!!
Oh now that is picture perfect!!!!Would love to have that on my deck! x0x0x
It is fabulous Jen! How I would love to have a potting bench, but first a green thumb. 😉
Happy Monday~
That is fabulous!! I just ordered a potting bench online, but I would rather have an old one like yours!!
We are lucky here in NC. I planted my garden several weeks ago, and have radishes and lettuce already and the beans and zuchini have sprouted.
What a perfect potting table, Jen! I love that it used to belong to your grampa. 🙂 You have it displayed beautifully!!
Have a great week!
p.s. I meant “grandpa”… sheesh… I woke up waaay to early this morning… lol! 😉
I love you potting table!! and that’s cool it has kind of a double meaning!!
What a great use for a special item! I love your potting bench. And I love all of the pots and jars that you’re using. Beautiful!!
LoVe it as a potting table!!! FaB Adornments…
Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!
What an excellent way to repurpose a special piece of furniture. It looks lovely, the way you set it up. Have fun using it 🙂
Such a great bench and all the more special since it’s a family piece. Your photos look just like a magazine shoot. They make me long to go out and work in the garden. 🙂
What a great potting bench!
What a great potting bench!
What a great potting bench!
What a great potting bench!
What a great potting bench!
What a great potting bench!
What a great potting bench!
What a great potting bench!
What a great potting bench!
totally jealous
i know what you mean! my tulips aren’t even open yet. my peonies are coming up and the lilac bushes finally have leaves. i can’t wait for the sun to shine and it to be warm enough to plant my herbs and things! have a great week Jen!! susan
love the bench by the way! so sweet that it belonged to your grandpa.
That potting bench is already great, it’s going to be absolutely incredible once you cover the top.
Great pics!
Wow – what a fabulous potting bench and it is even more amazing knowing it was your grandfathers!
I am so with you at “the chomping at the bit” thing. I am also lugging flowers and stuff in and out every night because we are still so cold.
I love your new/old potting bench and especially because it’s from your grandparents. I want a potting bench but looking for the right one.
Oh my goodness, I love this work bench turned potting bench. It looks like some thing from the pages of “Country Living”! What I really love is that it was your Grandfathers. Great idea Jen!
Hey your right…we are on the same wave length! It must be spring fever. Love your bench and it will be awesome with a zinc top! Also love all your old pickle jars! 🙂
I love this vignette.
How sweet is that to have your Grandfather’s work bench and to use it for your potting table? Your aunt’s jars look so great underneath.
Would love to have this behind my garage. Great post. Great pictures, as always!
See you in a couple weeks!
Alison 🙂
LOVE this. Awesome as a potting bench and love how you have it all dolled up. Looks like it is straight out of a high end magazine! 🙂
The bench is awesome looking and has special meaning from a relative. It will be great with the metal top.
I need a bench like that! It looks great as a potting bench, love the greens, jars, all of it.
How charming. I have my dad’s work bench set up as a desk. It always makes me happy.
Your bench is very special, not only super cute but with special history.
I’ve been looking for one for ages but no luck yet.
Enjoy your bench, you’ve done a great job keeping it beautiful.
Love it!!! I really love that it was your grandpa’s. Wish I had something like to treasure from my Grandpa!!!!
Love! It is completely gorgeous and just perfect as a potting bench. Like it was born to play that role!
It’s gorgoues! Something so special about a potting bench!
Enjoy your day!
Awesome potting bench to have as a treasure.
Awesome potting bench to have as a treasure.
Awesome potting bench to have as a treasure.
Awesome potting bench to have as a treasure.
Awesome potting bench to have as a treasure.
Awesome potting bench to have as a treasure.
Awesome potting bench to have as a treasure.
Awesome potting bench to have as a treasure.
Awesome potting bench to have as a treasure.
I am so excited you have your grandpa’s work bench! What a lovely keepsake. And honestly the pictures in this post are magazine worthy…just awesome.
oh my gosh jen. that is amazing. i see those all the time and just wish to have one. it is perfect as a potting bench. plus it has such meaning for you. hope you had a great mother’s day.
Utterly amazing! All of it.
You make gardening and yard work look so beautiful!