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Art Journaling Spring Flowers and Bulbs Emerging Free Printable

I was recently asked to contribute to an art journaling group on Facebook. The theme of my assignment was “what the flowers and trees are thinking during the pandemic.” I knew my answer right off the bat, but I asked Nick what he thought the answer would be. He answered, “Well, they are coming no matter what we do.” I loved his answer, and I decided to watercolor this Spring Flowers and Bulbs Emerging Free Printable Art Journal page.

Painting and art journaling flowers and bulbs


I thought it was such the perfect answer. There are so many things we think we have control over. We get so used to moving our world around to fit our schedule.I used some brown and a muddy grey paint to paint the dirt and flower bases, and then I added greens and yellows for the emerging growth.

Spring flowers and blubs emerging free printable Art Journal Painting by Jennifer Rizzo

The truth is, when it comes to nature, we really have no control at all. But the flowers and trees are all on their own schedule, and do everything on their own time.

Hyacinths and scillia in Illinois at Spring time

I wanted to tell the story from the point of spring bulbs, buried so deep and dark in the ground under the cold soil. But even after the long hibernation, they push through the ground, sometimes through the snow to bloom. We’ve had such a nice wave of warm weather, we are seeing early spring blooms, and it is so welcome right now.

Blue Scilla Squill Flowers Blooming early April Midwest

Even in all of this waiting, the spring flowers and bulbs still come and bring all of their gifts.  In daily loops around the yard, it’s been so beautiful to see the scilla, hyacinths, crocus, and the other flowering bulbs still push through the surface, even though there’s a bite in the air, and we are in close confines.

Spring flowers and bulbs emerging free printable...No Matter What, We Will Emerge to Bring New Things by Jennifer Rizzo Art Journaling

I wanted to make this Spring Flowers and Bulbs Emerging free printable art print available for you to download and print out. So you can also remember when things seem difficult, and in times of waiting, that new things hidden deep continually emerge to bring beautiful things.

Just right mouse click to save the image. I will also have this as a wallpaper in stories on Instagram for your phone, so you can keep it as a reminder. You can see  the Art Journaling at Home Workshop page here, and I encourage you to also start art journaling if you find you need a creative outlet. If you love botanical art, check out this project, this project, and this project. 

To find out more about wildflowers (affiliate link), you can check out this book.

and this book for painting watercolor flowers.