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Illinois Spring flowers

To me,there is nothing more exciting  than when the Illinois spring flowers start popping their heads out of the ground. There is something so exciting about the anticipation of seeing tiny buds waiting to explode into color. I know, I am a total nature dork. My dream is to live in a wooded area surrounded by trees.

It was fun to take  walk around my yard and snap detail pictures of some of the first things appearing. I did what my mom and I call the “yard tour”. It’s kind of a tradition that started with my grandma. No visit is complete to any ones house with out looping through the yard  and garden to see whats blooming or growing no matter what the season.

Red flowering crab apple

The first thing I check is my red flowering crab apple. The stupid thing has been in almost 5 years and I have yet to get a bloom or any apples. I know it takes a few years to mature, but as you know I am not super patient.Every year, I get just  a little excited that it might show me some flowers this year and so far,every year, it kind of gives me a finger and it’s not a thumbs up.

Small flowering bulb

These  little flowering bulbs are all through my planting beds and I’ve never planted a single one.One thing about being close to an arboretum is the squirrels,birds and chipmunks  do a lot of planting for you.

Blue Siberian Squill in Illinois

The same goes for this one. It’s called  a Siberian Squill and they run through much of Illinois, Cook and DuPage county. They self-sew pretty well and some peoples lawns have them naturalized. It’s so pretty to see some yards just covered in lovely, bright blooms.

Catkins on a Harry Lauders walking stick

I always like to see the catkins on my Harry Lauder’s walking stick (Contorted Filbert). even when everything else is bare in the spring, they add a nice pop of yellow.

Illinois lilac bulbs

This are the most exciting buds of all for me. Lilac buds. They are one of my mostest favorestest flower. I know, that’s how excited they make me, I can’t even type proper English. They are just so pretty, and fragrant. I love clipping large, lovely , luscious, scented bouquets of blooms and filling every room of my house with them. As of last year I’ve planted 8 including white ones. I have an entire fence-line I am hoping to fill. How pretty will that be one day.

Illinois sugar mape tree

And my favorite Maple tree is just starting to drop it’s tiny buds, so I know spring is really here. In  a few weeks, bright, green leaves will cluster and fill in all of the brown branches. It’s so pretty to look at from my bedroom window.

Do you have some favorite spring flowers you look forward to in your area like the Illinois spring flowers we have here?

Jen signature

Summer garden tour 2013

Small kitchen with lots of storage in the upper cabinets in a small house tour

Summer home tour 2014

Colorful and fun living room, how to place furniture in a rectangular couch


  1. I tour the yard daily when I get home too 🙂 We have planted a raised garden, and the okra is up! We also have a “wetlands” designated area that we can’t remove anything native (gotta love Florida), but I am hoping to add plants that make it a butterfly haven. I am still trying to figure out the soil and climate here to know what works best. Being from West Texas (no rain) I/m still in shock that grass is actually green.

  2. I’ve really been enjoying our Illinois blooms too – my heart and mind just feel lighter and happier once spring arrives in Illinois – I don’t miss the dark days of winter at all!
    Angie @ Knick of Time

  3. We moved to Bartlett in late Aug. Unforturaltely we live in a townhome and planting is very limited for me. I really miss my northern CA home where I had flowers year round. I am thrilled to see lots of hyacins, that we planted last fall, that are beginning to pop up. Trying to figure out where i can put lilacs. Love your blog. I have been following you for awhile, have about 18 blogs I follow now. You were my first and favorite:))) Keep up the great work.

  4. I had to smile when you mentioned “yard tour”!! I’m in the Chicago burbs and all my stuff in blooming and comin up! When ever my mom comes to my house, or I go to her house, we walk around the yard and talk about and look at what is happening. She could come over 3 times in one week and we will still go outside and look around to see what has changed. We talk about where to move things, if things should be trimmed, or just how pretty things are. Sometimes we go out a couple of times on the same day! So funny! I am glad to hear that we aren’t the only ones that do that!!

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