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New vintage industrial cart and mug rack

I recently bought a new vintage-inspired industrial rack. I had really wanted a real one, but they were either out of my price range, or they were just too tall for the space. The thing is I love the mirror there. That corner is so dark and the mirror acts like another window and really brightens it up. It used to be our breakfast nook, but after a while as the kids got bigger, that space just didn’t seem to work as well anymore. No one wanted to sit on the bench, so it just held junk, and then we were short a chair all of the time. Looking back at pictures I’ve realized how much that space has gone through a lot of changes!!!

I used to have our mug rack on our kitchen island, but it took up much needed space that we used for cooking dinner.

new industrial cart with mug rack

I needed something not winder than 16 inches, not higher than 30 inches,and not longer than 49 inches. So when I found this vintage industrial cart,even though it’s a reproduction, I snatched it up! Even though it wish it was a bit longer, and I am not sold on the red yet, it was perfect for the mug rack and freed up a ton of space on the island!

barn wood inspired top on vintage industrial cartI like the weathered wood on top a lot.

pretty flower on barnwood

and I am not sold on the red crackle finish, but I can always drag it outside in the spring and either tone it down, or try another color.

vintage bottle drying rack used a sa mug rack

The mug rack fits on there perfectly, and I realize I am  a bit of a mug “hoarder”.

my favorite mug ever

This is my favorite mug. No one is allowed to use it but me.

faux flower sin vintage jar

And I’ve always not been a huge fan of fake flowers, but I found these at Micheal’s this week on sale and they looked so real, I had to buy them, they looked so pretty. I love fresh flowers , but just don’t last long enough sometimes.

vintage mug rack and big vintage mirror

I think it’s a perfect fit for the spot. I am now debating on my plate wall, I am almost ready for a change up with that too.

Jen signature

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  1. I love everything! The cart is amazing, and while I would tone down the red in the spring also, it’s fun for winter! 🙂 Love the mug rack. Must go to MIchael’s for flowers. I check out the fresh every time I’m at the grocery, but can’t pull the trigger. 🙂 Have a great day Jen!

  2. I love the red! I personally would keep it, I know you like the top, but could you put a different top on it that would be a little larger on each side, since you would want it a little longer? Just an idea. I think you could probably make it a little longer and it would still look good. Have a great day!

  3. I love the RED cart. But I like anything red. Before you change up your plates try turning your mirror verticle. It was perfect with the longer table but now it feels heavy. My thinking is upright it wont hang over the ends of the table to weigh it down. I break the”rules” at tomes but this may be one time it better not to.
    Oh and unless you have a shelf in your cupboard full of coffee mugs you don’t have too many.

  4. I love the red! And it’s crackled! Looks pretty with the unpainted wood on top. I would love to find something like that…

  5. it’s all so cute together! I kinda want a cart now…. I’d like to move the coffee mugs and keurig out of the kitchen to free up counter space…this is such a nice idea!

  6. Love the red, think it makes the cart. Ok, but the truth is I love all things red. Let’s see what spring brings.

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