Thank you, A Happy New Year 2021 and Some Funny Bloopers
You guys, we made it through 2020. Of course not with out some scrapes and bumps, it’s been a really long year. We’ve all had hard things and loses, some more than others. I’ve learned to hold those I really love close. While, I hate to completely throw this year in the garbage, because there were some positive things that have come out of it, you can bet your bottom dollar that I am ready to leave the rest of it behind and chuck it in the bin. That aside, the best way to welcome in a new year, is to laugh at the old one with some funny bloopers. Doesn’t look like the face of someone that’s totally over the previous year?
I thought it would be fun to look at some funny bloopers from all of the video-making this year including from episodes of Let’s Make Something. When creating in video format, nothing ever seems to run as smoothly as it looks. Thank goodness for editing. From being a little tongue-tied at times, to just having hiccups and multiple takes and filming around family, it always makes for a good laugh. I also found a blooper from back in 2013 that I had to add in. It was from Jeanne Oliver’s Creatively Made Home way back in 2013 and still makes me laugh out loud. I hope you enjoy the video below, and laugh along with me ( a brief ad will play and closed captioning is available.)!
I also want to say a big thank you to YOU. With everything going on, like leaving the store , starting over at Warehouse 55, and then giving kudos to all of the homeschooling moms out there while I pulled my hair out over the kids e-learning, I missed my 13 year blogiversary. 13 years, it’s kind of crazy how time has gone. Blogging was brand new, and people didn’t understand what it was. It was such a different time…I had three kids under the age of 6, I still could see my eyelids (man, I miss those.). But here I still and, and here you are, reading along with me.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I can’t sat it enough. Thank you.
Happy New Year…I wish you a better year than the last one!
Funny bloopers