How to Make a Cardboard Cone Wrapped Yarn Trees
This is a fun and easy holiday craft idea! Make a DIY cute cardboard cone yarn trees wrapped in your favorite yarns …Create a set to make a yarn tree forest! This is a really easy yarn craft to do too and are such cute decor! They would be a great kids craft even using recycled cardboard, like these cardboard stars. You can make your own cardboard cones(instructions below) or you an buy pre-made cones from your local craft store. To make a Yarn tree, you just need a few simple supplies and a crafty afternoon!

To make cardboard cone yarn wrapped Christmas trees you’ll need a few supplies:
Cardboard or stiff paper to make the cone. I used a cereal box and stiff paper. A shirt box would work too. If you don’t want to make the cones, you can go buy pre-made styrofoam cones. For a smaller paper cone use a paper plate or cardstock.
yarn colors of choice
hot glue
Hot glue gun
white glue (or Mod Podge)
If you are making your own cone instead of using a store bought one, cut a cereal box or poster board into a rectangle (for smaller cones you can use cardstock too.). The height is going to be roughly the size of the paper with a few inches cut off to trim the bottom.
Starting at a corner; roll one edge of the cardboard tightly leaving the other end loose. Roll it into a cone shape until you’ve rolled the entire piece. Tape. I used painter’s tape because it’s what I had on had. Any tape will do, it’s going to be covered by the yarn. Once you are taped, use scissors to trim the cone so that it has an even bottom.
Start wrapping your trees with yarn. You can start at either the top or the base of the cone with whichever yarn color you like. Use this yarn wrapping technique to make a wreath or ornaments too!
This one is on the paper. Put a little blob of hot glue at the top (or bottom) and start wrapping around and around, keeping the yarn tight against the previous wrap. My first cone I started with white yarn for my yarn Christmas trees at the top of the tree, and the second cone I started with the green yarn. For the smaller cones, I used card stock.
For a fun Christmas craft make paper fringe trees!
Periodically put a dab of hot glue to hold the yarn in place being careful not to burn yourself. It helps keep the yarn in place if you happen to drop it while wrapping. If you find you have small gaps between the wrapped yarn lines, push the yarn up a little bit to snug it up before gluing. When you wrap, you can make it look nice and neat and leave it, or go back and criss -cross it all over for a more organic feel.

After it’s totally wrapped, when you get to the bottom put a dab of hot glue underneath the cone and glue the end of the yarn on the inside. When you finish one, start on your next one. You’ll glitter your yarn trees all at once.
These DIY glitter wood slice ornaments are an easy and fun holiday craft!

If you want to fill out a cone and make it really fat, you can use some old junky yarn you have laying around first as the base and then wrap over it like I did with the white over green.

It gave it a really nice, full look and I finally used yarn I’ve had sitting around for years. It was an easy way to make them striped as well. If you are going to do a striped one with different colors, overlap the yarn ends so you don’t get any funky ends. sticking out Then just cut,add a tiny bit of glue and change when you want to change colors. Add an extra dot of glue to the bottom of your cone if needed to hold the last row of yarn in place.
After you finish your cones, you are ready to glitter. Use white craft glue and a paint brush and dab it all over. One thing I learned about glittering: Sprinkle VERY lightly, almost just a dusting. I had to rewrap my green one because I was so heavy handed it was like Vegas instead of Christmas. Shake the excess off your new Christmas decor, and let dry! Tah dah! Yarn trees!

They are the perfect touch, and they stack well inside of each other for storage when the holiday is over!

Happy Holidays!
~ Jen
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*This was posted Via Jennifer Rizzo. com
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