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Plant a Victory Garden

In World War l and World War ll, due to food shortages, people were encouraged to plant Victory Gardens or “war gardens”. They were usually made up of easy to grow vegetables that would produce over and over again. You can plant a Victory Garden in almost any size container and it is easier than you think! Go beyond huge garden plots, and think front yards, containers, even small balcony pots, or anywhere veggies can be grown. Plants like squash, watermelon,green beans and other climbing vines can weave through planting beds, or even climb up fences and trellises.

How to plant a Victory Garden with Companion Planting


To plant a Victory Garden, you just need a few things: Dirt, seeds or plants, direct sunlight and water. If you’ve never grown a garden at all, check out this post with some basics I also have some favorite gardening books in my Amazon store.

There are three suggested sizes below to get your victory garden started, and these suggestions also use companion planting, which is a way different plants can help and benefit from each other (For natural insect repelling properties it never hurts to plant marigolds or nasturtiums nearby!).

On a balcony for large pots with sterile garden soil: (approx. 12″-14″)

1 indeterminate  tomato, 2 basil  plants.

3 Green bean seeds and circle with radish seeds

2 bush cucumber plants with radish

Lettuce seeds with radishes

1 tomato plant circled by onions

Lettuce and onions make a good pair for companion planting in a victiry garden

For  a larger 2 x2 Victory Garden container with sterile garden soil such as a stock tank planter.

2 tomato plants, onions and carrots alternated in 2 rows

1 green pepper plant, 1 tomato plant, 1 basil, 1 rosemary

12 x 12 section of lettuce, 12 x 12 section of onions, 12 x 12 section of carrots, 12 x 12 section of spinach

4 green bean plants, bordered by radishes, 2 bush cucumber plants

Tomato plants in a raised bed stock tank planter one way to plant a victory garden

For a 4 x 6 garden or larger (with rows spaced about 6 inches apart from each other).

Row of bush cucumbers, row of radishes, row of green beans, row of lettuce, row of tomatoes

Row of radish, Row of beets, row of carrots, row of rosemary, row of tomatoes, row of onion

How to Plant a Victory Garden

With a larger garden,there are a ton of other veggie and fruit combos you can do too! And, don’t be afraid to tuck some tomato plants among your flowers in the front yard, or add edibles among your hostas.

If you’re interested in seeing more of our garden, and growing asparagus and potatoes, watch this video:

Strawberries fresh from the garden

Fruit is also something that you can add in among your flower garden,  dwarf apple trees, pear trees, as well as strawberries,blueberries and raspberries are easy to place around the yard. If you have a bit of dirt, you can easily grow a few plants here and there to supplement your diet with fresh-grown produce and plant your own Victory Garden!

How to plant a Victory Garden with Companion planting