Make Fancy DIY Faux Fall Fruit Branches
I wanted a pop of color for the home tour, and I wanted something with a natural element, but after shopping around,but I was not about to break the bank on a $30 or $40 fruited branch. For. A. single. branch. Yikes. I made DIY Faux Fall Fruit Branches for a fraction of the price.
I decided to tackle making my own. It was way easier than I thought and way under $15 for two branches!
I found these great rose hip floral stems for $8.99 a piece and they were 40% off at the Good Ole’ Hob Lob, I bought 2 loaded rose hip stems for around $12! I just needed a few real branches. I snuck over to my neighbor’s brush pile and picked out the ones with the best shape ans size I wanted. I did not look like a weirdo at all. Picking through my neighbors discaard brush pile. At 10 am in the morning. Not at all. Besides, they should be used to it by now,I already scope out their garbage on a regular basis.In fact, sometimes they call me now before they throw stuff out.
When making DIY faux fall fruit branches, I used wire cutters(while using eye protection) to carefully cut the rose hips off of the stem.I think they are styrofoam, so I was careful not to squish them.
Once I had the berry cut, I used a wood skewer to poke a hole in the top where I wanted to glue them in at.
I used low melt hot glue to adhere them onto the branch, careful not to touch the top of the berry.I didn’t want to melt the Styrofoam. I did have to hold them in place for a minute or so until the hot glue set. I only burned myself 3 times. It’s a proud day when you can walk away from a crafting session with only minor injuries. For more handmade fall decor, you can see who to make a twine- wrapped pumpkin, or how to paint faux pumpkins to look more real,or these cute treat or treat bucket planters.
I used the smallest faux rose hip berries for the top and the largest on the bottom like a real branch would grow when making your DIY Faux Fall Fruit Branches.
I also tried to use the sturdier branches, the thinner ones snapped when I pushed the fruit pieces on.
It only took me about 20 minutes to do 2 branches.I love how they look and it’s just the right pop of color!
I still have fruit pieces left over to use on another project too!
Pinned! Love this idea and I have a ton of branches in my backyard I could use 🙂
What is the story on the scrap of flannel? I love it! Is it tucked into the vase to hold the branches up?
It is. I thought it was a nice touch of fall color too.